In the whirlwind of running a business, we often overlook the work/life balance. My perspective on that recently got an awakening.
Before starting AMP, I spent over 20 years in the funeral industry. I was used to the phone constantly ringing and having to get up in the middle of the night. In a strange way, I loved it and actually missed it for the first few years. I loved what I did and didn’t mind constantly being on the go.
Now, I’ve replaced being constantly on the go and answering calls at all hours of the day and night with getting up at 3 a.m. to build out a marketing funnel that’s been on my mind. Transitioning from a demanding industry to the entrepreneurial world has been a continuous journey of rediscovery.
We love to travel, but I seem to pay the price for it when we get back. I’m sure you have felt the same way.
This year, we have taken on some large projects and ended up postponing a couple of trips we had planned, just because we never got around to booking them. I told myself we could go later in the year; it’s no big deal.
So, last week we all went to the cabin in North Carolina for a quick trip. Our retreat to the mountains was a perfect escape from the usual routine. While it was time to unwind and I blocked off one morning for a few essential meetings, ensuring that our clients’ needs continued to be met. Then we got back to family fun!

I left the mountains rejuvenated and recharged, ready to tackle the rest of 2024 and the long list of notes I had made for future projects.
If you are still with me, I know what you are thinking… you’ve heard this before… take time for yourself… your business isn’t everything… blah blah blah. I was right there with you… don’t tell me what to do, I know how to take care of myself.
Then reality hit…
One of the projects I was working on before I left was a new relationship in an industry that we are not currently in. I had been messaging with someone I met a few years ago, and we had a meeting scheduled for next week. We both thought this could be a beneficial relationship for us.
I woke up to a text earlier this week that he and some family members had been killed in a tragic accident. WOW…
As I reflected on the news that morning, it put some things into perspective for me. I am so glad I spent those few days in the mountains with my girls. Life is short, and we need to appreciate what we have and those around us.
I am still committed to working through the notes I made on my phone in the mountains. Those projects will come to life, but it will probably take a little longer than I was planning last week.
So, I challenge you today: schedule that long-overdue family trip or simply take a day off to recharge. Embrace the balance between work and life. Because in the end, those moments are just as critical to your success as any meeting or project.