Fewer, but better!



If you are like me, your goal is to have success with your business!! And to reach that we constantly need MORE…

💵: More customers. 

💵: More revenue. 

💵: More website traffic.

💵: More profits.

You get the point.

But there’s an important lesson that we should learn from the get-go. When it comes to technology, more is most definitely not always better.

Fewer, but better is the secret. 🤩

The right tools. At the right time. Without cutting corners. And, without weighing ourselves down.

As someone who’s been around the block a few times, I know from experience that over-complicating our businesses only leads to mistakes.

So, let’s keep it simple, shall we? 

It’s 2023 after all! There is advanced technology at our fingertips. the type of technology that can help us do it all. AND do it well. 

The truth is, most business owners are juggling too many separate systems, providers, and contracts, leading to overlap and unnecessary expenses – you’re overpaying. There’s a better way, so not to worry!

Repeat after me: SINGLE PLATFORM. 🚀

Imagine managing all aspects of your business within one beautiful view, allowing you to holistically assess what your business is doing and identify where to focus your attention.

With our NEW AMP Platform, you will have email, SMS messaging, FB & IG messaging, website chat widget, landing pages, sales funnels, courses, etc… all under one sturdy roof. 🙌

Our goal is to help you be the most productive and successful version of yourself!! We have had great results with other customers getting them organized, setting up automations, putting systems in place for THEM and THEIR business. While this is not a one-size-fits-all solution, we’re confident that we can find a tailored approach that works for you.

If you think this could be a good fit for your business, click the link below to schedule a call with us. You can also read testimonials from our satisfied customers on the same page.

TIP OF THE WEEK: Email Campaigns

In talking with a lot of people over the last few weeks, it has come to my attention that not everyone is aware that you can TEST each and every one of your subject lines. This is the one I use if you want to give it a try.

If you are a tech geek like me and want to take it a step further, you can also test the email in mail-tester.com.

This tool analyzes an email’s structure and searches for any spammy words, files with prohibited content, technical issues, etc., and gives a rating to evaluate a potential email campaign. If you are having your emails flagged as spam over and over again, this is a good tool to help find any problems that may be hidden in the background. 

Give these two sites a try before you hit send on that next email campaign.